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Protect Your Eyes From The Sun

HEADED OUTSIDE? Whether you’re off to the pool, or just taking a walk, don’t forget to take your sunglasses. Sunglasses not only help you look stylish and shade your eyes from the bright sun, but they also can protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Just Like Our Skin, Our Eyes Can Be Harmed By UV Rays

Our eyes are very sensitive to the sun, and when exposed to large amounts of UV Rays can develop problems.


Our eyelids are susceptible to skin cancer, just like the rest of our skin. Eyelids can develop different types of skin cancer, like carcinoma and melanoma. Additionally, eyes that are exposed to UV rays are more likely to develop eye cancers like intraocular melanoma and conjunctival cancers.


In the United States there are more than 1 million operations per year to remove cataracts. Studies have shown at least 10% of cataract cases can be directly linked to UV exposure.

What Should You Look For When Buying Sunglasses?

So, apart from style, what should you look for when you’re buying sunglasses?

  1. The most important element of sunglasses are UVA/UVB protection. Lenses can block up to 99% of harmful UV rays.
  2. Choose polarized lenses if you spend a lot of time on water. Polarized lenses will decrease the glare off of the water. Note: Polarized lenses are NOT the same as UVA/UVB protection, so double-check.
  3. Get sunglasses you love to wear, so you will make it a habit. Wear your sunglasses whenever you are spending time outside.
  4. Do you need prescription sunglasses? Talk to us!

More useful information about sunglasses:

Let Us Help You Pick Out The Perfect Sunglasses

Your eyesight is too precious to leave to chance, or to slow deterioration by UV rays. Protect your eyes! See us about stylish, safe options.

Thanks for your trust in our eye care practice!